The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

PSU prepared me well for life after college - it challenged me, taught me, and nurtured me in so many ways. As I headed out there into the "real world" after graduation (the working life after 6 years at good ole PSU), I encountered hundreds and hundreds of Penn Staters over the years no matter where my travels took me (Middle East, South America, Asia, and Europe). Every one I've encountered has had their own little bit of memories, from feeding those fat squirrels near Ole Main those Reese's Peanut butter cups(oops), to the all night craziness downtown, to celebrating the national championship in football......... sigh, those were the years of youth, fun, and well, GREAT TIMES!!. Now, with 2 young kids (Jill 10 and Matt 9) and a lovely wife (Sandy, a member of the PSU Class of 83), I try and remember those yester years with fond memories and wonder, should I have done anything differently??? - NOPE, I wouldn't change it for a minute!